
Showing posts from February, 2014

So this is how recovery feels..

If you are a runner  (or any athlete really) I don’t have to tell you that once you are on the sidelines with an injury.. when you gradually work back into training.. its an AMAZING feeling. Case in point: Last night I ran my first full mile on the treadmill and when I finished, I felt incredibly blessed. Scratch that- the ENTIRE mile I felt so happy and overjoyed to be running. I honestly have barely run more than a mile each week since I completed my half in October.  Now don’t go feeling all sad for me because I really could have felt better MONTHS ago if I wasn't such a stubborn  idiot who refused to go to the doctors and thought I could heal myself  runner. I really thought I could just take some time out, rest and then get back at it. In reality I had a stress fracture and I am guessing it was a doozy considering I could barely walk the first week or two after my half. Once I realized this, I had one of those “oh.. so that’s why it felt SO bad!!”  I just told my husb

I like to eat, yo!

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen/heard that I got to try some awesome food compliments of  Home Chef .  I was given no other payment than that week’s food supplies to try in exchange for my review. If you are like me and totally unfamiliar with this company, let me give you a quick rundown of how it works. Each week, the company puts together a menu of 3 (amazing) meals and posts them on the website so you can decide if you want that week’s menu items or not. You can order in 2, 4, or 6 servings @ $9.95 per serving.  You can also email them with any dietary restrictions/allergies and they can accommodate!! You get a really awesome box on your doorstep that looks just like this one.. I couldn't wait to open it!! There's also a nice little letter inside that calls you "chef" and makes you feel REALLY SPECIAL!! Not only do they send you all the ingredients you need (sans some salt and pepper or oil here and there) but they send