Race Against Racism 5k 2017

Almost a month ago (April 29th), I ran the Race Against Racism in Harrisburg. Every year, my employer is a sponsor and allows so many employees to have a free entry into the race. I was bummed to miss it last year because they changed the course so I was extra excited to have the chance to go this year. source I don’t run a ton of 5k’s so I try to go all out and see what kind of effort I can muster. I knew I raced the Lucky Charm HBG 10k at an 8:43 average, so I was trying really hard to see what I could accomplish below that. I knew I was capable of 8’ish minute miles because I had run them in training, but holding that for more than a mile was nerve-wracking. People laugh at me when I tell them 5ks make me nervous. They think that because I run long distances, that 5ks are a breeze but they aren’t. When we train long distances, we don’t run really quick paces like we often push for in those pesky 5ks. I get excited and nervous all at the same time. ...