I'm a (trail) ragnarian

After a super long hiatus, here I am!! Over the winter and early spring, I was sidelined by an injury and had to go to PT. After missing all my spring races and so many miles, I have picked up training and am getting back into the racing scene again---- I couldn't be more thrilled. I know that running isn't all about the races, but they sure are FUN!!! About two months or so ago, a friend mentioned that a Ragnar team had couple people drop and were looking for replacements. I was a little tentative at first because I had already registered my nephew and I for a 5k on Saturday of the same weekend Ragnar would be held. I spoke with the team captain, and she said she would make sure I would be done with my part of the relay and could get home in time to run the 5k as well. Sure, sign me up!!! At the time, the event seemed so far away and then suddenly, I was rushing around trying to make sure I didn't forget to pack anything! Having never done a relay style race before, I ...