Mother nature's sense of humor

Yesterday, being Monday and all, I could not drag myself out of bed early enough for a run. I was up to use the bathroom actually and decided to lay back down and soak in an extra half our of sleep. To make up for it I did do a 45 minute TURBO kickbox DVD that was given to me by my instructor at a class I am no longer able to attend due to switching jobs. Needless to say about an hour or so after I was finished, I could already feel the sore muscles- SWEET!! I have noticed some not so good changes in muscle tone that I worked so hard to build in the past year and didn't like it one bit. Now this may sound ridiculous as I am not a larger person, nor do I feel like I have really put on weight (ahem, my clothes still fit just fine) but its one of those things you notice when you are my height and size. If I dont consistently (at least once per week) work the middle regions of my body, things lose tone quickly and its time to get to serious work. I seem to keep going in spurts of bein...