Don't let the short runs fool you
Last week my short runs were TERRIBLE. Completely terrible. Tuesday I could barely make it 3 miles. My legs were so tight and 3 miles felt like 30. Wednesday I had such a bad headache and was so rundown I have in and took the day off. Thursday I was supposed to run with a friend, but because my headache was still hanging on for dear life and I was still feeling exhausted I decided to go it alone on the dreaded treadmill. The first 3 miles were the biggest struggle ever. I seriously stopped at each mile trying to stretch and loosen my legs to making running even just a tad more enjoyable. At mile 3, I took a bathroom break. After that it seemed my body finally got on board and realized I wasn't giving up. Finished out pretty well and felt pretty good. After the frustrating short runs of the week, my spirit and love for running was a little down and broken. In fact, Saturday morning I was really tempted to throw in the towel and not go on my long run. I knew I had a super busy da