
Showing posts from January, 2013

Running, Body rock & #plankaday

Well I have been a pretty excercised lady! Tuesday I ran a good 2.8 miles. Not as long as my usual... but it was some super hills and I was overdressed so I just got too darn hot which didn't help matters. I did my #plankaday and did really well. It wasn't easy- I shaking, it burned and it hurt SO bad. But I stuck it out. Moving forward, not going any less than the day before. That's my story and I'm stickin to it :) Day #3 plankaday  Wednesday I had debated working out BEFORE work because I knew I had plans when I got off at 7am.... sadly, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Seriously. I think if I had planned to run, I would have been fine. I knew what workout I was going to tackle and just didn't have it in me to do it first thing in the morning. Have no fear.. I still did it after my shift at work and coffee with a dear friend. This is the rockin bodyrock video I did tonight.. wow. I did it twice and  called it a day. I wrote down my coun

Monday's workouts

I was kind of at odds of what type of workout to do mostly because of my 8 mile (still shocking!!!!)run Sunday. I was trying to find something new, but I went back to the tride and true  Don't wake me up- Body rock TV  video. I do the 3 reps of this short video which might not seem like a lot, but it really is great for a quick workout on the days I don't run. Before I did the above workout, I made sure to do my plank-a-day. Look how well I did! Pretty awesome improvement I'd say. I think my body was just too spent Sunday after my run to really do my plank any justice. Anyone else working a plank day challenge?? What is your best time so far and how long did it take you to get there? So excited, I already feel my arms getting more toned... woopwoop!  See ya Wednesday!! 

Great fitness weekend

I took off from fitness on Friday, other than some stretching of course.  In turn, I had a great weekend. Saturday I ran 3 miles which was made harder by the snow still laying all over town. It had started to snow Friday afternoon and by the time I ran Saturday, lots of sidewalks and roads were still snow covered, which made running a little extra challenge. Then I came home and did my first day of "plank a day challenge" I don't know if there is an official website or not, so I apologize. Either way, I started to do it and really would like to stick to it. Sunday I left for a run and kind of laughed that Nike+ challenged me with 6.51 miles. It was another day when I wasn't really sure where I was going to run or how far so I just started it as if it was any other day. Little did I know, not even a mile into it I decided I would run 7 miles. I must have been crazy right? Well it was even crazier because I ran to the river (which unless you live here this will prob

Cardio Cliff workout

I dont really like the treadmill... I have said this before, and I have  no shame in saying it again. Seriously. But there is only so much PA cold and (scattered) snow this girl can take this year. Plus, I am trying to be a better.... athlete? Not sure I am comfortable using that word to describe myself even though I have been running regularly for a year and a half now. I never even considered it until the other day at work I overhead a girl on the other side of one of three cubbie walls talking about a burger. I jokingly asked her where mine was and she joked back saying she asked if they had one for me, but that they didn't because she didn't want to influence me "being an athlete and all." So weird to hear that. Anyway, I wanted to share this really awesome stinkin workout I did last night on the treadmill. Yes, I did use the word awesome and treadmill in the same sentence. Another weird thing. So before I show you the picture, I'd really like to preface tha

yoga and winter running

Hello fit friends! I hope you are all staying warmer than I am in this crazy cold.. real live winter.I am really trying my best, but when you hate socks and shoes (except the running variety) and large coats, this is a small challenge. Despite the cold I have been keeping active. The link I am sharing is an awesome yoga video done by Jillian Michaels of all people that I totally loved doing. Yoga with Jillian Michaels . Oh boy was it a nice sweaty workout just like I love. Yesterday in all my insanity I went for a run in the 12 degree weather. Yes, I just said 12. Here is a little peek at (most of) what I wore. So here's the lineup, winter running pants by Reebok, fab Cuddleduds- leggings and active top complete with three ever so wonderful thumb holes, sports bra from Victoria's Secret that they sadly no longer make. I also threw on a track jacket, socks, my book made headwrap and some cheapo gloves. This totally did the trick. This little picture is my trick to

We will always

We will always look like ourselves. We will never be the model in the magazine. Let the relief of this wash over you for a second and enjoy the release of all that ridiculous artificial pressure you have been inflicting on yourself for years. Be the best version of you possible and stop beating the shit out of yourself. I started following Bodyrocktv on facebook and they just posted this a little bit ago. So much wisdom in this statement right? I think it is way too easy... especially in this day and age with all the technology and ease of sharing... to get caught up in what we want to look like, how we feel like we should look or the pressure to look a certain way. It is a relief sometimes to be reminded that we are who we are and not to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes easie said than done, sure, but certainly something to remember when you stare at that pro athlete and skip meals and double workouts to achieve it. Sometimes it just kills us and drives us further into the g

Running maniac

Since Thursday I have run 3 times and racked up some pretty good mileage. Thursday for some reason I was wide awake at 6am, so I literally laied bored in bed until the sun rose then so did I. Got dressed in my running gear and headed on out. I wasn't really sure where I would run or how far.. guess what!!?? I ended up running 6.5 miles with the shortest walking break. I didn't make any record timing, thats for sure BUT I ran 6.5 miles AND made it up a hill that has kind of intimidated me since we moved here about a year and a half ago. It's not that it is some super tall hill, no, just a really extended one that kicks your butt. I really hate it and still didn't make it ALL the way without any stopping but I did make it to the first light at the top. From there is just keeps going a little further until you feel like you are going do die (even more). Some other day I will conquer that part, but now that I know I can make it THIS far it shouldn't be too terrible ri

Today's workouts

Making note of these tonight so that I remember.. all I know is thank goodness for youtube and people who will share their awesome videos! So the first one is from bodyrocktv This will seriously kick your bootay/ and legs / and arms. The other workout I did was more of stretching yoga for runners. Definitely felt wonderful. The two of these together was maybe 20 minutes but wow. My legs were burning (and trembling!!) try it!!


So over the weekend I FINALLY got back to a run. Sunday. Let me tell you, if I hadn't been so determined- it wouldn't have happened at all. Saturday I slept all darn day- my body's way of just trying to make sure I stay healthy I guess?? I had so many things I wanted to do and it just didn't happen. Even yesterday I wanted to get up at 9, run and be on my merry way. But no dice. It was seriously so foggy I wouldn't have felt safe crossing the street. At about noon, the fog lifted and I was off to run around 12:30pm. This was so seriously pushing it because my parent's were coming by at 1:30p to do some Kohls shopping for upcoming events/ bdays/weddnings. Needless to say, all I cared about was getting a run in. It wasn't easy. It wasn't always PLEASANT and it sure.. Wasn't fast. But I did it. So that's all that really matters :) Tonight I hope to do some bodyrocktv (which is really now called something else I can't remember) and s

Yoga for dummies?

source:  I wanted to make sure to take note of this article by runner's world in an effort to motivate myself to re-try yoga. I say retry because I tried it once, years ago, and really wasn't too impressed. Now, they are telling me it can make a me a better runner (something I didn't do back then either) so I suppose I might give it a second glance. I am going to make it my mission to try at least one type of yoga by the end of the month and go from there. I hear great things about it from many people (including my mom) but I just can't see myself ever enjoying the relaxation ones. If it doesn't push me physically, I feel like I'd be better off relaxing on the couch. What are your favorite types of yoga?? I'd love to find some videos online that are free so I don't have to spend money to

Breakfast is Boss

The other day, maybe on my runners world emails, I was reminded that breakfast is important and running on an empty stomach should be a NO GO. I immediately felt guitly and read the article. I quickly felt like such a bad runner because I am SO guilty of RUNNING. ON. AN. EMPTY. STOMACH.    As the article reminded me, if you are running on an empty stomach (or doing any major excercise for that matter) that your body goes after MUSCLE   first for energy *GASP*. After reading this I immediately resolved to quit my bad habit of getting up later than I should and running out the door for a 3 miler with nothing at all in my stomach. That being said, this morning I ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios (so maybe not the best thing to be eating, but don't judge me) and had a drink about 20 minutes before I got dressed and ready to go out. Maybe I am biased, but I feel like this really made my run so much more enjoyable. Lesson learned: Breakfast is Boss. I cannot be a boss runner without i


For a while now I have been recieving Runner's World's quote of the day. Sometimes I relate and hold onto the quotes and others I don't and delete them. I am going to try to use this blog as a place to record those that I can relate to.. so here goes the first one! There is no better way to experience a place than to run it. You get to experience the deep crevices of an area, the senses beyond the visual, something you would never do if you didn't run. Tawnya MacNeil, Runner's World Challenger Why do I relate to this particular quote? Because, honestly its the darn truth. When we moved to a new town last summer I really got to know the area by running. Running here, running there, taking a left instead of the usual right.. to explore. I still do sometimes actually because I definitely do not claim to know all the areas of our town. It really is quite fun to say "I know where that is, I run by there all the time" when my husband doesn't know where s

Nonrun day workout

This is my new fave workout for days I don't run. It will kick your butt for sure. I consider myself pretty fit and it has me panting like a dog by the end of 3 runs through. Do it up.. Fierce Bodyrock workout. Don't wake me up