Running, Body rock & #plankaday
Well I have been a pretty excercised lady! Tuesday I ran a good 2.8 miles. Not as long as my usual... but it was some super hills and I was overdressed so I just got too darn hot which didn't help matters. I did my #plankaday and did really well. It wasn't easy- I shaking, it burned and it hurt SO bad. But I stuck it out. Moving forward, not going any less than the day before. That's my story and I'm stickin to it :) Day #3 plankaday Wednesday I had debated working out BEFORE work because I knew I had plans when I got off at 7am.... sadly, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Seriously. I think if I had planned to run, I would have been fine. I knew what workout I was going to tackle and just didn't have it in me to do it first thing in the morning. Have no fear.. I still did it after my shift at work and coffee with a dear friend. This is the rockin bodyrock video I did tonight.. wow. I did it twice and called it a day. I wrote down my coun