Winters cold
Sorry for the huge gap in posts. I havent gotten to run too much since I am still resistent to treadmill running if I can avoid it. Only thing is that we keep getting snow and I have been pretty stinking busy with the holidays. Its cool though because I have been doing mini workouts that still make my muscles sore (progress!!) and thats enough to make me happy. For example, yesterday I did the following: 75 jumping jacks, 16 pushups, 45 cruches, 35 mountain climbers, 60 second plank with leg raises (up/down, side to side alternating) then 25 regular squats, then 30 squats with side leg lifts. Got to keep the butt in shape after all those christmas cookies :) The day after Christmas I was determined to find some winter running pants and that I did. Dad was kind enough to drive mom, sister and kids, and me to Target and Kohls to shop. I went to Dicks after striking out (mostly not wanting to pay the ridiculous prices they still wanted) and ended up with a pair of Reebok winter running