Mother nature's sense of humor

Yesterday, being Monday and all, I could not drag myself out of bed early enough for a run. I was up to use the bathroom actually and decided to lay back down and soak in an extra half our of sleep. To make up for it I did do a 45 minute TURBO kickbox DVD that was given to me by my instructor at a class I am no longer able to attend due to switching jobs. Needless to say about an hour or so after I was finished, I could already feel the sore muscles- SWEET!!
I have noticed some not so good changes in muscle tone that I worked so hard to build in the past year and didn't like it one bit. Now this may sound ridiculous as I am not a larger person, nor do I feel like I have really put on weight (ahem, my clothes still fit just fine) but its one of those things you notice when you are my height and size. If I dont consistently (at least once per week) work the middle regions of my body, things lose tone quickly and its time to get to serious work. I seem to keep going in spurts of being able to stick with doing one extra thing per week along with running, however lately has not been so easy. I was doing Zumba on Sundays (which I loved) but lately weekends have been so packed, I don't have the chance. I have made it my mission to at least be running 2-3 times per week and adding either the turbo dvd or some other activity to keep my tone. I worked so hard and don't want to start back at square one. Maybe this makes me a little vain, but so be it. I like how things are and look so must maintain if not improve. Winters arrival and darkness and cold really make my usually great motivation decrease quite a bit. 
This being said, this morning I got up to run, got all ready and opened the door to head out. only to see this:

At first I had one of those "oh crap" moments where I debated whether I should go or not. I was already all decked out in my running gear so I decided I did not care and threw on my jacket and got my music and Nike + booted up and ready to go. I wasn't really sure how far or where I would run to, but I was just going to feel it out depending on how the roads/side walks were. A few minutes in, I decided I would go to one of my most favorite places, but also a challenging aka HILLY run. I am so glad that I did.

One look and you can see why- ignore the black chunk and the top and the steamy fog from my armband. ha! I guess it kind of gives an extra wintery effect, right?? sooo SO pretty though.
Needless to say my legs are happy and sore along with the rest of my body right now and I am loving it :)

Have a great week!!


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