Inspiration to keep going

Holy busy life, batman.

I have so totally been slacking on here since my 10k two weekends ago! Not for the lack of trying, but there really hasn't been time all stinkin week to sit and write a post. Being really busy 2 weekends in a row does take its toll- especially on regular household chores like laundry! I kid you not, Tonight, I just finished laundry that normally would have been done Sunday. I have had to gradually work on it because of such a weird lack of time to complete.

At the beginning of the month they began implementing a mandatory 30 minute break each day which added an extra half hour to my day. Ok, not really a big deal right? Well that is 2.5 hours each week that I lose to get other stuff done around the house that I have had the past, oh 5 years basically.

Anyway enough negative Nancy- Pants. Here are some fun, inspiring quotes that can help you at any point in your fitness journey, beginning, middle, champ.

keep going no matter what

Seriously, go. Move it. :)

embrace being a beginner

We all have to start somewhere. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to get where you want to be- too fast. You will burn yourself out. Enjoy the process.

So true

Too often we give up too soon because something small goes wrong and we get off track. It happens- get back on the horse and keep going. It's better to fall off and get back on than to totally abandon your goal and wonder "What if?"

Note to self: life isn't about being perfect, neither is working out. It is about sticking to it and being consistent.  This is how we see, and FEEL, the results.

Have a great weekend everyone. I hope to post a whole week recap of workouts and #runforboston runs possibly this weekend, or maybe tomorrow? Time will tell!


  1. I have been workout slacking since the 10K... whoops. I feel like I just need a break haha. Or I need to set up a new running plan so I get back into it!

  2. I like the quote about being a beginner -- so true! So, I guess you can't use your break for blogging? It probably would be better to get some fresh air if you can. ;-)


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