My first 10k - Hershey! {recap}

So if you have been reading my blog for a little while, or follow on instagram, you may realize that 10k is certainly not my furthest distance run and seriously is really about half of my furthest distance run with Team in Training. However, it was still a super big deal to me that this was my first 10 and longest RACE to date. All I have done in the past were 5ks. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this year would take my running to a whole new (EXCITING) level. Throughout the process of participating in Team in Training, I doubled my furthest distance I have ever run on my own and now have dreams of participating in LOTS of half marathons and maybe, GASP, even a whole by next year.

Anyway enough of that and on to the race details.

My parents and husband were really great sports (sans a little playful whining) about the literally ungodly hour we had to get up. We only live about 20 minutes from Hershey so parentals stayed over at our house. Originally I figured we would leave about 6:30am to make sure we were there by 7 when the roads closed. Well, I learned Saturday evening at the LLS inspiration dinner (and it truly was that) that they wanted us there at 6:30am so we could get a team picture. Game changer. This meant we needed to get up at 5:30am to be out the door on time. This was pretty interesting and I really think I may have slept a whole hour. OOPS!

So here I am, shoeless but wanted to get a before we left the house shot before we forgot! Don't I look so darn excited?? Remember how I said how little I slept?? Yea. I was so excited but not quite awake yet. 

This was also on my back. Diana is my high school classmate diagnosed with Leukemia on Christmas day 2012, my inspiration, reason for joining Team in Training, and my honored teammate. Her strength continues to amaze me. She just re-entered the hospital for more treatments, bone marrow transplant from her brother, and more treatments to make sure she remains in remission. Luckily she has a blog where she chronicles her days- ups, downs, highs and lows- so that even though she is all the way in Florida, I can shout support and encouragement at her whenever I want :)

This is the awesome group running the race from team in training. Most of these folks weren't on the Harrisburg run team which I participated in for so many weeks- but they are all so awesome and what a great group of people. We were all a little chilly but so ready to tackle this run that we prepared so hard for. Don't you love all the Hershey's characters with us?? 

Awkward "I'm so cold" pose. 

My mom. Meant the world to me that she and my dad were able to come out to the race. 

And hubby too. He is so supportive of my running journey and I was so happy he came out to support me (and be my personal  photographer too). Also, I am not in a hole. Hubby has about a foot on me!! 

Listening to the beginning remarks and waiting for the gun. 

Smiling as I run past my cheer section- wahooo!! At this point we were not quite to the halfway point and I still couldn't soak up all the awesomeness of this race and why I was there. 

Awesome picture of all the people behind me at the time the above picture was taken. Still in awe of how big this run was. 

This was one of the really hysterical signs we saw along the way. The first one I saw said "WORST PARADE EVER" really made me laugh at a little over the 1 mile point. 

I turned the corner back into the stadium and put my last ounces of energy into and left it all on the pavement.

Whew!! almost there. 

Right outside of the stadium proudly wearing my first (of many to come) finisher medals. So excited.

Isn't it beautiful? I sure think so. This girl was over the moon excited to receive this from the kiddos at the finish line. I really wish I could have worn it all day. Seriously. 

Oh, yea. So maybe I should share my time with you :)

To put this in perspective- According to the site, there were 1436 females participating (ave time 1:01:59) and 681 in my age group. I'd say I am pretty happy. 525 out of 2250 participants. Not sure how many of these were runners, but seriously patting myself on the back with this one. Pretty darn happy where I fell with all these people. Way better than I imagined. The winners were beasts running 5:30 and 6 minute miles. wow. That is all I have to say. 

I hope I didn't bore you with the details or all the pictures. I really had a blast and cannot wait to sign up for the Hershey Half- My question to myself, is can I wait all the way to October for a half?? Or will I sign up for something sooner... hmmmmm

What races are you signed up for in the next month or so?


  1. great job on the run! that team picture is so cute. so bummed I didn't see you. I also loved that underwear sign haah.


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