Some Friday Inspiration

Well friends, we've made it to another weekend!!

For some of us this means long runs, others short runs, some have races, some will run a fast pace, others slower. Either way, as runners we tend to love weekends as we can run however we want because we often don't have the time restraints that we do during the week.

Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to get out the door.

(Whatever your long run is :)


(Life is wonderful when you stop & think)


And a little running humor...

(Because some of us are a little obsessive about these things!)

Happy Friday, happy long run, short run, run happy, race fast, race happy... whatever it is.
I will be running the Hershey 10k Sunday, so hopefully I will get a little recap up for Monday.

What are you running this weekend?


  1. Have fun at the Hershey 10K! I hope there's chocolate in the goodie packet! ha ha ha I'd run for chocolate, that's for sure.
    Lulu and Daisy


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