Glowin' for it

Ok ok, scrape off the cheese and move forward. I just had to.

So I am pretty excited that this race is finally here. A little nervous because I really have no idea what to expect, but pulling up this flyer just makes me smile. Usually, you sign up for a race, show up and run. This one is GLOW!! I am so tempted to go somewhere tonight or tomorrow and buy glow in the dark nail polish. I totally used to have some and thought it was the coolest this ever.

Like seriously, awesome. Right? Anyone else ever do glow runs, how did you dress/ paint yourself? :)

Watch out for a recap Monday... I will busy Sunday am doing a sweaty 10+ miles with my pal.


  1. Oh man that looks fun!! I keep looking for fun events like that locally but they're all an hour away at the closest, and it's just not worth it for me. I can't wait to hear how it went / see pics!

  2. Ive been seeing a lot about these runs! They look like so much fun!!!

  3. I hope this run was a blast! Can't wait to see how you did!

  4. I did the Go Glow 5k here and was slightly disappointed but still had fun. They have some areas to improve. I love the glow in the dark nail polish. You should totally do that! Hope you have a blast! Can't wait to read about it. :)


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