What a week!

It seems that quite a few other bloggers out there have hit the same exact issue I have been lately.  As a full time, non traditional hours, working lady, time is rarely on  my side I work, workout, do a thing or two around the house (sometimes), cook some dinner, and that is about the extent of that. I wish I was still able to blog during downtime at work but this is no longer an option so I literally squeeze it in when I can, which, quite frankly, isn't always enough for me. I wish I had the time to write about what I do each day and share with you what good things I eat, but there is just not always that time. That being said, I will share with you the highlights of this week I was off work Monday and Tuesday with having worked the weekend (which sadly meant no running by the way- unless you count attempting to "run" back from the pizza shop Saturday evening with a 2 and 5 year old on either hand).

So knowing that I would be working Mother's day, I had already arranged a "make-up" day with my mom for Monday

We started out our day by getting mani-pedis at a salon recommended by a coworker In fact, we were just going to get pedis but they run a special on Mondays and Tuesdays that made it hard to resist going for the whole deal. It was nice and relaxing and good old girly time. Mom enjoyed herself and when we were both done, we headed to the mall for some chinese and iced tea. Maybe not the healthiest, but we made up for it later. We had a nice time shopping and found some great sales and deals to spruce up our spring/summer wardrobes and we left happy. I think one of my favorite bargains was the 3 workout tanks with built-in bras that I picked up at Old Navy for around $16...what a steal (more on this later, hopefully) 

We also checked out this interesting little book store about 10 minutes away from my house called Cupboard Maker Books. I say interesting because it really was just that. It is a concrete building (which my mom thinks used to be a car shop) filled to the brim with used books- not the cleanest or coziest of places, but lots and lots of book. They run coupons in the paper for free books up to $5 so mom and I got two books each for $7. 

Anyway, we headed back to my house to make dinner- Grilled Salmon, quinoa, grilled asparagus, tomatoes and avocado. Mom had never tried quinoa but really enjoyed it and decided to add it to her grocery list.

Next on the plan was to head to the Clarks-Bostonian clearance sale in Hanover- sadly, we got there at 8pm which is when they closed- conflicting information from the website mom looked at when planning this venture. They took no pity on us size 7 wearing ladies who just wanted a bargain on sample size shoes. We immediately began to plan for getting there the next evening.

Tuesday I enjoyed some sleep in time but managed to squeeze in 5 miles before heading to Carlisle to have dinner with mom again and head to Hanover round 2. It  took us a little time to scour the racks but mom got 4 pairs and I got 3. At $20 per pair plus 10% off, where can a girl go wrong?

Wednesday was a farewell potluck for our supervisor at work which meant we got to leave a half hour early. I did make an awesome quinoa salad (doesn't it look delish?)

I was home, changed and out the front door to run at 7:30pm... you have no idea how amazing this was!! I literally felt like an animal out of the cage- haha. I kid you not. So much so, I pounded out 8 miles...8 MILES!!! On  a weeknight. I was a happy, sweaty girl. I don't have a picture of this filth, I was too busy feeling so amazing and soaking it up.. or rather, dripping all over? I did make a little collage of some pretty sights and my yummy smoothie concoction afterward.

I really did have a run happy kind of run. Except for mile 6 to 7 which was even more hills.. but it was so worth being able to run down by the river. Don't you agree by the wonderful pictures? Something about that water reflection.

Thursday I returned to the treadmill for some speed training- alternating between 8:27 and 9:30 which is pretty good for me. The goal is to continue increasing the faster speed each week to improve my speed in prep for my half in the fall!!!

And here I am in all my sweat-tastic glory.

And here is another version (aka more veggies added) of quinoa salad. It was really so delicious. 

Friday morning I got up at the last minute, did a 10 minute arms workout and my Fitness diva challenge of the day (which she posts Monday thru Saturday and I do every day) in addition to the squats for the day. Always a great workout.

Anyway, that is pretty much my week in review. Speaking of reviews ... I still have some to post. Our regular PC is down and out so I have not been able to get the pictures off my regular camera (as opposed to phone pics). I did get a free PC tower from work though, so once I have the time to get it set up, I will do those reviews ASAP. Until then, I will blog (when I can) from my phone or tablet.

Have a great weekend!! Mine will be spent babysitting with a little fitness sprinkled in. No running though probably until Monday... guess my body deserves a break??


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