Inspiration Thursday!

It’s been a while, sorry!! But back for another installation of Inspiration Thursdays. This is kind of a mix between fitness inspiration and food inspiration. I know it is so easy to get caught up in working out and thinking you can eat however. But, as we all know it really does matter what you eat. It will make you look and feel better to not eat so much junk and bad food. Not saying never, just not as much and watching portions of it.
Anyway, onward with the inspiration!

via  (thanks Ryan!)

via (do it. Don’t be the stereotypical American and eat junk and feel like junk)

via (love this. Yay for water and especially on weeks like this when every day the min temp is 95!)

via (seriously. You really can’t expect to look –or feel- good when you eat junk all the time. I can eat me a good wendy’s burger now and then but seriously this is maybe a handful of times per year. Taco bell on the other hand.. haha. No but honestly not eating much “fast food” does wonders- DUH!)

via (Doesn’t matter how you sweat, just find a way the works for you and give it your all.)

Hope you all had an absolutely wonderful Thursday :)


  1. The dollar menu is probably my fave! We all need to find what works for us, though. That's the most important thing!

  2. I love the last one. It is all about finding what is best for you. I could never do Zumba, but not everyone wants to run.


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