Multi-tasking run

I was kind of on the fence about whether I would run tonight or do something else in doors (read: out of the humidity). But then I got out work late AND remembered I needed to make it to the bank. If I opted to work out in doors, it would be even later than I really wanted it to be when I was done with everything I needed to get done in addition to the errand of getting to the bank.

My solution??

Yep. RUN TO THE BANK. And that I did. It was hot, I had to stop more times than I like to because of crossing major intersections. But I did and kept a great pace @ 9:34 for about 3 miles. I don't know exactly how far I went because while crossing one of said busy intersections, I apparently double pressed my button to restart my watch after stopping for a light. Argh.

In addition to the run, I came home and did 20 pushups and a 2 minute plank. I am going to make sure I stay in the habit of doing planks as close to daily as possible- I remember how much they do for my core and my arms... LOVE IT!!

Finally, I keep forgetting to post the awesome pendant I won from Tanya over at Run Turtle Run forever ago. I kept thinking about it and then I'd forget to take a picture and then I'd forget about it completely for a while. Anyway I am super thrilled that I won this cute little way to express that I love running :)

Isn't it great? I love the colors and I laughed because it totally looks like I could have written this- Thanks again Tanya. I just need to put in on something. My thought is to add it to my rear view mirror (much to the dismay of my husband and dad) so I can look at it all the time!

Happy Tuesday everyone :)


  1. I love running multi tasking. This one day Eric wanted chineese food up the street and they don't deliver you can only pickup. I told him I'd pick it up at the end of my run and walk home.. it was perfect!

    1. nice! thats awesome. chinese is so delicious :) Its so nice to be able to do things like that!

  2. I run down a trail near my house to meet friends for lunch sometimes. It is fun to be able to run places.


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