This one time...

Ok so where do I begin?  The last time I posted I think I mentioned that I was REALLY struggling with motivation, not only for running but for most anything else too. I think I finally figured it out and although it might be a little TMI- I am going to share anyway.
So back in July I counted out the days and I was going to have an unwelcome visitor on our trip to Philly for the Color Run so I decided to just start my next pack of pills. I say this, but please don’t think this is a regular occurrence. It’s really not. The last time I did it was our wedding/honeymoon nearly 4 years ago. Apparently my body had turned on me since then because I had absolutely no issue then and felt like complete death this time around. I will be consulting my doctor on this issue before I even consider doing this again. You see, it literally SUCKED the life out of me. I couldn’t get up in the mornings but then felt exhausted all day long too. Like I could never get enough rest. BLAH!!
Anyway, onto more than my bad decisions to mess with my (hateful) hormones). Since my cycle has reset, I seem to be in MUCH better shape and actually have the will to get out of bed and run. Before, I would lay there and think about it, but just continue to lay there.
That being said, last week was a pretty good one. Sunday I slept late (still some lingering BLAH) and then at about 3:30pm went out for a run. I walked small portions of this which I will blame on getting overheated due to being overdressed and without my hat. All of this aside, I did still have a nice run.
Tuesday morning I made it up for a 3 miler before work and it felt wonderful. The air had cooled and the sun was out. I think I overdressed this day too, darn it. No picture for this one, I waited too late to get out and ran out of time.
Wednesday evening I did my awesome Boxing workout which I am really trying hard to incorporate 1x/week. It is awesome for core and arms which makes it a wonderful cross training activity. I really miss the turbo kickboxing class that I used to take, and although this doesn’t do the “kick” portion, there are some exercises dedicated to burning out those legs.

Thursday morning I (courageously) made myself a date with the treadmill. This is another serious dedication I am trying to stick with in prep for my half marathon. Each week I am doing some type of speed interval training, just to see how far I can push myself. I started out with a protein shake with some power, almond milk and the little bit of my Lifeway Kefir Smoothie that I received from Influenster (more later). It seemed like it might sit in my stomach a little too much and I did have to pause 10 minutes in to breath out a little cramp, but from there it was smooth sailing. I did speed intervals of 9:13 and 9:30 miles until about half way when I switched to a little faster intervals (which I would know had I not waited so darn long to write about it). Funny part of this picture collage is that I watched some old school Sabrina the Teenage witch while I ran… who else ever watched this show??

Friday was a rest day since I was planning to run with Team in Training bright and early Saturday. And I did JUST that. It was an early start- 7:30am which meant my butt needed to be up at about 6:30 to get dressed and prepped to be on the road at 7am. As always, this was so worth it. Not only would I not have gotten up this early for a long run and might have tried to put it off. It is always great to have a running partner, or 10 to share the long run with. It is always a different group with some regulars too and it is a nice crowd to be around. Anyway, I did 7 miles and then waited for 2 other ladies to come back to the start, to add an extra mile on. They were doing run/walk 3/1 intervals so I joined in for the mile. It was kind of weird doing this rather than just running, but a mile nonetheless.
Saturday evening I got lots of extra rest, my body’s way of making up for the terrible sleep I got most of last week. I was totally ok with this!! I slept for about 5 hours, got up and watched a movie and made some smores with the Hubs.

Sunday was of course a rest day and I made some yummy (but not so healthy) pancakes for hubby and I. I try to make breakfast whichever day I don’t long run whenever we are home for a weekend. Just a nice start to the day and enjoying being home together- since we don’t always get a lot of this. He always likes chocolate chips or something sweet in them, and I happily oblige since I don't eat much chocolate or candy ever (well, except when we make smores lol). The picture doesn't look the most appetizing, but OMG. They were amazing. Ground up Hershey's bars.. yes please!!

And now we are finally up to current- Monday!! Although I did struggle to get out of bed… I did have a very sweaty and humid 4 mile run this morning. It wasn’t fast (for me) by any means, but it got done and I felt drenched wonderful and ready to start the day. Well, right after a really fast shower.

Then, during work Fit Approach put this crazy workout up on their facebook page and you know I had to try it after work. Burpees for 2 minutes!! If only I had remembered to COUNT like I was supposed to.. Guess I will be doing this again soon to find out .. haha

There you have it... my slow and steady return to my regular running & fitness routine. After about a month of blah and just trying to talk myself into a run whenever possible, I think I am getting back to where I like things to be!!

Have a great week everyone!


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