KeVita Drinks

At the beginning of May, I got the opportunity to work with KeVita and try out some of their drinks.

I have to admit I was I was pretty bummed initially when I found out there was Stevia in a lot of their drinks. I have always been turned off by many products because of this. You see, my body doesn't really agree with Stevia in ways that are terrible and uncomfortable. The good news? Well, KeVita uses ORGANIC Stevia which apparently my body is totally ok with!! So thankful because I would have missed out on all that KeVita has to offer.

I only got to try 6 of the flavors offered: Living greens, Mango cocount, Mojito lime mint coconut, Lemon ginger, Strawberry acai coconut, Lemon cayenne daily cleanse.

Of these I would have to say my absolute favorite is the Living greens- it is so refreshing and there is just something SO good about it. And this time of year, I am all about refreshing!

The flavors with coconut were also pretty refreshing, I am learning to like coconut a little more  but these were still pretty delicious. The lemon cayenne was also surprisingly good.

I wish I could have tried the pomegranate as well as the tangerine, but I am so happy I got the chance to try the ones that I did. Maybe in the future my local stores will carry even MORE of these awesome drinks.

Overall, I really LOVED these drinks. Priced at 2.99 a bottle (at least here in PA) I feel like this is very reasonable for the probiotic benefits the drinks offer.  Not only are they healthy, they are tasty and refreshing too!!

Needless to say I see a lot more of these drinks in my future and I could not be more grateful to KeVita for letting me sample their great product. I have already introduced some coworkers to the wonders of KeVita and will most definitely continue to purchase these for myself.

Never hear of them? What are you waiting for?  Check them out here.


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