Gigabody Review and Giveaway!

As a sweatpink ambassador, I sometimes get pretty cool opportunities. This time around I got a free 2 month trial from the folks over at  Gigabody to try and share my thoughts.

I was a little skeptical at first. I mean how many different home workout video services can be out there and really kick butt? This time of year I am super thankful for services like this. I love running outside in the winter, but when it is dark and potentially icy, I like having a good PLAN B.

When you first log into the site, you will see something like this.

Screenshots of the most popular videos in the main screen and the workout types on the right make it easy to find whatever type of workout might fit the mood for the day. In the top right, you can also see your workout stats too! Pretty cool to see those numbers go up after each work out. 

So what workouts did I do? Did I enjoy them?

This is the first workout I completed. It was so much more than I expected. This video can be found under the YOGA section and while it has very yogi poses, it is SO.MUCH.MORE. The addition of weights just adds so much more of  a challenge.  Now, by no means do I mean regular yoga isn't a challenge but this workout is an excercise in yoga, balance, focus and patience. I really liked this instructor specifically because she was easy to listen to, really engages with the at-home user, and isn't afraid to laugh at herself. No one wants to feel like they aren't good enough when trying a workout for the 1st or 100th time and this instructor is on it.

This is another video I really enjoyed. I used to take  a turbo kickboxing class every week. Not only did the $5 fee add up but then the place closed down. This video brought back all my love for that class. The instructor is HILARIOUS, fun and easy to follow.  I really enjoyed that this incorporated all the basics of kickboxing into a full-filling workout. You can also that each video is rated by skill level and the categories each fall into. There is also a short summary, the ability to preview the video, and the option to leave your rating/opinion of each.

At $8.99/month for a subscription, I think this is a decent collection of home workouts that range in workout time, skill and activity. While there are some videos that may not interest you and  you may never view, I think there are plenty to get you through even the longest, most frozen winter without getting bored.

Here are my silly little instagram photo re-caps of each workout:

Kickboxing fun!

Ready. Set. BALANCE!

So now that I have told you what I think... who wants to win their very own FREE month to try out Gigabody?!?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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