All about that Trail

One of my goals this year was to run more trail. I started off the year by running Squirelly Tail Trail Half in February and it really renewed my need to so. As the weather got nicer and we were gearing up for the summer ahead, I signed up for another trail half, Iron Run Trail Half Marathon for June with some friends.

After signing up, we decided we'd better at least get a few longer runs out on the trail to get acclimated. Memorial day was the first time I could get out and we got to join up with someone well versed in trails.. Jeremy @ The Road to the Trails. He was very kind in showing a few of us the ropes and even stopped me before I ran into this big guy,

The portion that we hiked the first day was from an area called Scott's Farm, close to Carlisle, PA. It is one of the trail stops where there is water, porta-pots, and a nice place to take a break for any hiker.

We left the parking lot and headed north. Part of the run was more of a hike up VERY steep rocks. It was a super huge challenge but a great one at that. At the beginning of this piece of trail, there is a beautiful "boardwalkesque" area.

Isn't it gorgeous?

A little before our half way point, there was an incredible overlook.

We went I think close to 12 miles that day? I ask this in a question because my darned watch died. That's what I get for not charging it fully. 

Either way this was an incredible first time on Appalachian trail. My second adventure happened the following weekend when we decided to run the opposite direction on the trail from Scott's farm.

This section of trail was definitely not nearly as treacherous as the other, but was still beautiful. 

We even found a new friend from Germany along the way!

And by friend, I mean we disturbed his breakfast asked a lot of questions about his experience so far, and probably made him think all Americans are nuts. Maybe we are? We asked him what his name was and he replied "Six Strings." My friend has a cabin in Pine Grove where he already passed through and asked whether he stopped at the store there. He said he had and that he had completed the ice cream eating challenge. We decided we'd look for his name when we would be there in a few weeks for our half marathon. 

We also seriously ran through this horse's field and wondered if he would try to come "play" with us. 

Thankfully he didn't and we peacefully arrived at our destination in Boiling Springs, PA. Ironically, it was the day of Foundry Day, a yearly craft and food festival. I haven't been in years so it was a super great way to end the morning run.

Have you shared the joy of running the Appalachian Trail? What is your favorite trail in your area?


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