Find your happy

With the holidays over and winter cold finally setting in, it is sometimes hard to find things that make us feel happy or content with where we are. 

For me, I have started out the year with an awesome 30-day Yoga Camp from the amazing Yoga with Adriene. It is wonderful to do yoga every day. I am really enjoying the process and taking this time for myself each day. 

I practice yoga in our spare bedroom upstairs and it is small and cozy.. Except for one thing. 

This painting has been with us for the last 8ish year or more. My husband was gifted it from someone when he moved into his apartment right out of college and it has been with us ever since. I love the bright colors in it.. but other than that I have always found it a little odd. I have been saying this for years but we never settled on something to replace it. 

Until now. In the fall, we grabbed a bunch of pallets for a volunteer project for Girls on the Run and I, being the hoarder talented crafter I am, grabbed extras "just in case." Now that the buzz of the holidays is over, I was able to focus on what I wanted said replacement piece of art to look like. 

I won't bore you with the details of getting from point A to B, unless I get requests, but when all was said and done we had a wonderful piece to cheer up the spare bedroom, or as my husband put it "your yoga room." 

I am so happy with how everything matched up and compliments each other. The oranges play very nice together to give this room a cheery and relaxing feel... exactly what I was looking for!!!

Is there a place or a room in your home that you consider YOUR happy place?


  1. Not in my home but outside - my garden. As long as there's not a swarm of bees lol

    1. the garden is the perfect place!! I agree on the bees.. that kind of turns happy to PANIC :) thanks for sharing!


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