Thinking Out Loud
Oh a random Thursday post!!
In an effort to post more regularly but still be somewhat meaningful, I thought I'd try playing along again with this fun link up.
3. FREAKING OUT A LITTLE. Training for this 100k is getting really real. LIKE REALLY REAL, guys. Like I have 23 mile training run this weekend. WHO DOES THAT? I had a conversation with a friend yesterday where we were making fun of each other. She is training for a marathon and running "just 12 miles" and feeling weird about it. She mentioned how she forgot how "weird we get" when training for more than a half marathon. If by weird you mean running all the miles, eating all the food and wanting to sleep all the time like an infant.. then YES.. LET'S GET WEIRD.
That's about all the random I have time for at the moment.. BUT there's always more where that came from. If you know me in real life, you know I am FULL of random. Stay tuned!!
What's going on that's random and weird for you?
In an effort to post more regularly but still be somewhat meaningful, I thought I'd try playing along again with this fun link up.

You ready for the random?
1. Today is my make up hill workout. Last night I did a cross training workout and I am pretty nervous that those hills are going to add insult to injury. Not actual injury, but I sure am sore!!
2. Today I also am headed to my work office for the first time in a few months which means getting up extra early, hauling all my crap there, and a whole pile of stuff I don't have to worry about at home.. I often take working from home for granted.. but on these days I am reminded to appreciate every second.
That's about all the random I have time for at the moment.. BUT there's always more where that came from. If you know me in real life, you know I am FULL of random. Stay tuned!!
What's going on that's random and weird for you?
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