Beer Runners and a trail run

This past weekend I got to experience a really fun event hosted by Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run.

We met at a park in Lancaster County about 45 minutes away and there were various distances available. We did a goofy warm up/ice breaker where we had to crawl on our hands and feet towards the middle of the circle, high five someone then go backwards to our starting point. Unlucky for us, we had to go backwards up hill.. SO HARD!!

From there, we split up into 3, 5 and 7 mile run groups and were off on our merry way. There were some spots that were definitely very challenging, but overall I loved this trail run. They wove us in and out of a few different trails and we had minimal time on the road. Our group somewhat stuck together and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.

Some highlights were:
1.  The crazy deer stampede that had us all (almost) peeing our pants and fearing for our lives.
2.  Passing through a covered bridge. This may not be too exciting for some of us in my area since it is somewhat common here, but still a treasure and fun to see!

3.  No hands hill. Exactly what it sounds like. Steep as heck and the challenge is not to use your hands. I was pretty successful until we got closer to the top where there were a couple of times I reach out. So badass.

4. The AMAZING view at the top of said no hands hill.

shout out to Ana @ Mother, Run, Hike, Repeat who was also there and for this picture! 

5. Getting to meet and run with some really awesome people. Does it get any better than that?

After the run, we came back to the car and headed over to Tellus360, the bar where we would get to watch Beer Runners, the movie all about how the movement got started. It was already PACKED when we got there and service took forever. In all fairness, I get that it was busy but it took forever to get food.. and man we WERE RUNGRY!!!

Highlights from this portion of the day:
1. Getting to see BEER RUNNERS and raising our glasses "To the Professor!!!"

2.  Meeting and getting our photo with the creator of beer runners. Oh and we actually ran with him too. Super awesome guy and so down to earth.

3. Also getting a picture with Chris McDougall at the end of the afternoon. Another super awesome, really down to earth guy with a great sense of humor. His wife was there playing ukulele with a neat band.  Such a neat couple.

To say this was a fantastic experience would be an understatement. I am so glad I went, even after running with my training group in the morning. It was nice to do something fun and different and even a little outside of my comfort zone. I wasn't a huge fan of the big crowds at the bar, but would do it again for an experience like this. We decided that the Fishtown beer runners are our heroes and that we will make a trip to visit when "The Professor" is in town. What an honor it would be to meet him.

Have you ever gotten to meet a run celebrity? Who was it? 


  1. What a great experience, glad you all talked me into it. Though I'm new to trail running and had to shorten to 5 miles, I will be ever grateful for this experience. My only regret is not being able to stay for the movie.


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